

Monday, February 2, 2015

REVELATION l Laodicea l 3:14-17 l Chuck Smith l Bible Teaching University l VidDevoChurch


The church of Laodicea is the apostate church of the last days.

Write, "These things saith the Amen,  the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God" (Revelation 3:14).

In Revelation,  Jesus  is  referred  to as  the true  and  faithful witness  of God.  "The beginning  of  the  creation  of  God"  the  Greek  does  not  signify  that  Jesus  is  a created being, but  that He  is the original cause of  creation. 

 For "all  things were created by Him, and  for Him: and He  is before  all things,  and by Him all  things consist"  (Colossians  1:16-17).  

"All  things  were made  by  Him;  and without  Him was not  any  thing made  that was made"  (John  1:3).  Jesus  is  the  origination  of the creation powers or the origin of God's creation. 

So He is actually  the creative force, and  that's what Revelation  is  speaking  of here - the  creative  force  of  the creation of God.

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would that you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither  cold nor hot, I will spue you out of my mouth (Revelation 3:15-16).

The  reason  for  the  lukewarm  conditions:  "Because  you  say,  I  am  rich,  and increased with goods, and have need of nothing" (Revelation 3:17). 

Their trust in materialism has  brought  them  to a lukewarm  state.  "You  cannot  serve God and mammon"  (Matthew  6:24).  

Mixing  the  two  wi l l   lead  you  into  becoming lukewarm.

"You know  not  that  you are  wretched,  and miserable,  and  poor,  and blind,  and naked"  (Revelation  3:17). 

 The  contrasting views  one was  their own  view about themselves,  the other was  God's view about  them.  Jesus said  that you do err if you  judge  yourself  by  men  (Luke  18:9-14).  

Many  times  we  look  around  and judge  ourselves  by  man's  standard.  We  might  think  we're  all  right.  But  man's
standard  isn't  the standard  by which  we're  to  judge ourselves  or  by which we'll be  judged.  

Jesus  Christ  is  the  standard.  

He  demonstrates  to  us  what  God intended man  to  be. Hold  yourself up  next  to  Him and  see how  you  look.  That
will give you an idea of what the true judgment will be like. 

If you say, "Well, I'm better than Chuck Smith" - that's not going to buy you anything!

Jesus  said,  "Except  your  righteousness  shall  exceed  the  righteousness  of  the scribes  and  Pharisees,  ye  shall  in  no  case  enter  into  the  kingdom  of  heaven" (Matthew  5:20).  

You'll  never  make  it  on  your  own  righteousness.  The  only
righteousness  which  is  acceptable  is  the righteousness  which  God  has  imputed unto  you  by  your  faith  in  Jesus  Christ. 

 The  righteousness  which  is  of  Christ through faith is the only way you'll get an entrance into the kingdom of heaven.

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