Return to Your First Love
Yet, the Lord said, "Nevertheless I have this against thee, because thou hast left
thy first love" (Revelation 2:4).
Ephesus was a church that was still going through the motions but they had left the emotions. They were no longer motivated by the love of Jesus Christ.
They were now being motivated by pressure, habit, form, or ritual.What a sad day when your ministry turns into a job! Paul said, "For the love of Christ constraineth us" (II Corinthians 5:14).
It was the love that drove Paul onward.
I can have a lot of things going for me. I can be the hardest and most diligent worker in a church. I can give myself tirelessly to the spreading of the Gospel.
But if I have not love, if I have left my first love, it profits me nothing. Jesus said that, though you have all this going for you, you have left your first love.
"Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works" (Revelation 2:5).
Many people say, "Oh, you've lost your first love." You don't lose it, you leave it.
If you lose something, you never know where to pick it up again.
You don't know where to find it. If you leave something, you know where to pick it up again.
Jesus tells us how to pick it up again.
The three R's: "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen." Remember that love that you once had? "Repent." Then Repeat.
"Do the first works."
Come back to that first work of love.
It is first above everything else. Do your first works over again, those works motivated and prompted by love.
To most of the churches Jesus said, "Repent." There is the necessity of repentance in most churches.
There were only two to whom He didn't have to say "Repent."Repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. (Revelation 2:5).
Unless there was a repentance, a return to that first love, Jesus would remove the candlestick from its place.
Where was its place?
In the presence of Christ, for He walked in the midst of the candlesticks.
Jesus is saying, "I will not stay around a loveless church." This is a very solemn consideration.
Unfortunately, as we look at the church today - so filled with factions, fighting, and divisions - in many cases the candlestick has been removed from its place.
You go to church but you don't feel the presence and the power of Jesus Christ.
Instead, you feel the factions and all the pressures and strain. Jesus said, "I won't stay around a loveless church."
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